TEXT : Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you ( 2 Thessalonians 3:1 )

God has given us spiritual leaders to watch over us: to lead us in the way of truth, holiness, salvation, and redemption. These dedicated and devoted leaders have sacrificed their time and resources for us and for the furtherance of the gospel. They have endured persecution and humiliation on numerous occasions, yet they persevere. They’ve shouldered our burdens, putting their own needs aside. These are the men to whom we turn in times of challenge, seeking prayer. But how often do we reciprocate by turning to God on their behalf?

In our zealousness to see our leaders exemplify the kind of Christ-centered leadership that pleases God, we often neglect to reflect on our own role in enabling them to reach their full potential. We focus on their actions and families, desiring excellence, but fail to consider how we can offer the necessary support and encouragement. This oversight hinders our leaders from effectively fulfilling their divinely-appointed roles, leaving them to navigate the complex challenges of ministry without the aid of our collective prayers and backing.

Today’s message seeks to dispel the misconception that our spiritual leaders are infallible beings immune to human weakness, temptation, or pain. Despite their divinely-ordained roles, they remain subject to the same human frailties as the rest of us, capable of succumbing to spiritual, physical, or emotional wounds.

Thus, their hearts need to be encouraged, their hands strengthened, and their spirits uplifted by our prayers. Security, comfort, ennobling, humbling, and purifying thoughts and joys do not arise from their own private prayers alone but also when we pray for them. It is only through collective intercession that our spiritual leaders can become better men, happier in their service, and more effective messengers of God’s everlasting Word. Will you not offer your heartfelt prayers on their behalf?

SEARCHLIGHT : Prayer is the means by which we can demonstrates our love and appreciation for our pastor.

PRAYER : Lord, bless my pastor. Strengthen and protect him. Fill him with wisdom and power. May his ministry be fruitful, drawing many to You. Amen.

BIBLE READING : Isaiah 47-49 & Rev 13.


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