SEPTEMBER 28, 2024

TEXT: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” Matthew 28:19

As believers, we’re commissioned to share Jesus’ unconditional love with a world desperate for hope. Evangelism is essentially about introducing people to a loving Saviour who transforms lives.The Great Commandment reminds us to love God and our neighbours. Sharing Jesus’ love demonstrates our obedience to this command. When we show compassion, kindness, and selflessness, we reflect His character.To effectively spread Jesus’ love, build genuine relationships, listen to people’s stories and struggles, share your testimony and God’s goodness, and invite others to experience Jesus’ love.

Be mindful of the Holy Spirit’s leading, and sensitively share the Gospel.After sharing the Gospel, provide support and guidance, connect new believers with a community of faith, encourage spiritual growth through discipleship, and pray consistently for their journey. Remember, evangelism is not a one-time event but an ongoing process.”A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)Let’s spread Jesus’ love, empowering others to experience His transformative power! As we share His love, we glorify God and fulfill our purpose as ambassadors of Christ.

SEARCHLIGHT: Sharing Jesus’ love transforms lives. May we be vessels of His love and compassion.*PRAYER:*Dear Heavenly Father, fill me with Thy love, and empower me to share it with others. Help me to reflect Your character and glorify Your Name.

BIBLE READING: Jeremiah 11-13 & Matthew 1.


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