SEPTEMBER 16, 2024

TEXT: “…and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way” ( Prov 19:2b ESV )

There is a fable about a butterfly, caught in the throes of transformation within its cocoon, struggling to break free and become a fully-grown adult. A young man, observing the apparent distress of the creature, took matters into his own hands and cut open the cocoon with a razor blade in an attempt to free the butterfly. Tragically, what he released was a deformed butterfly, for the impatience of the young man had disrupted the critical process of metamorphosis required for the butterfly to complete its transformation.

In today’s modern world, the desire to see our wishes fulfilled quickly can often lead us to give in to instant gratification, believing that waiting patiently for our wishes to be fulfilled is difficult and tasking, especially when there is an element of uncertainty about the outcome. Many people do not understand that the most valuable things in life require patience and a period of waiting. Feeling like time is running out, they abandon their patience and pursue alternative routes to achieve what they desire. However, impatience rarely brings rewards and often leads to substantial losses and irreversible damage.

Throughout the Bible, there are numerous stories that serve as cautionary tales, showcasing the destructive impact of impatience on the lives of those who succumb to it. One notable example is Esau, who relinquished his birthright and inheritance in the Abrahamic covenant due to his inability to control his impulses. In a moment of intense craving, he recklessly exchanged his birthright for a mere bowl of food, forfeiting his rights as the firstborn forever. By acting on his impulsive desires, Esau suffered a permanent loss. Although he desperately sought to reverse his mistake, he found no opportunity for repentance, despite seeking it with tears (Hebrews 12:16-17).”*

Similarly, Naomi and her husband Elimelech fled the famine-stricken Judah, seeking refuge in the foreign land of Moab, rather than trusting God to restore their homeland. By hastily leaving God’s nation and seeking solace among the heathen, they suffered severe consequences. As recorded in Scripture, Elimelech died , leaving Naomi a widow with two sons, and her two sons later died as well, leaving her without husband or children (Ruth 1:3-6). Upon hearing that God had blessed His people with bread, Naomi returned to Judah with her daughters-in-law. However, Naomi’s experience in Moab left a sorrowful imprint on her life, and she declared, “Call me not Naomi [pleasant], but Mara [bitter], for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home again empty” (Ruth 1:20-21).

The impatient are always losing . As believers, we must be cautious during certain times when Satan tempts us to make hasty decisions and take rash steps, leading to dangerous and regrettable consequences. Watch out for times of these 4 D’s: Dearth (Scarcity): When resources are limited and we’re financially strained, Satan may prompt us to make impulsive choices. Delay : When our desires, visions, and aspirations seem slow to materialize, we may be tempted to take shortcuts or lose faith. Disappointment: When our dreams appear to be dead and our hopes are crushed, Satan may try to lead us astray. Disaster: When our faith is challenged and our relationship with Christ is questioned, we must watch against these times .

In the journey of life, many singles often grow weary of waiting on the Lord for a divinely-ordained partner, and in their impatience, they abandon God’s commandment for marriage and choose their own path. Regrettably, they later come to realize their folly, living with the sorrow of their impetuous decisions. To avoid falling into such heartache, in seeking a partner in marriage, fruitfulness in the marital bond, career advancement, exam success, financial breakthroughs, ministerial success, salvation of loved ones, and all life’s goals, persistently pursue patience . Though it may seem irrational or unwise to slow down and patiently wait on the Lord to act, remember His divine counsel and keep waiting. “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2:3).

SEARCHLIGHT : Patience pays but impatience robs.

PRAYER : Divine Father, help me reject impatience as an enemy, as I embrace patience as a friend. May I live in the peace of waiting on Your perfect timing. Amen.

BIBLE READING : Isaiah 62-64 & Rev 18.


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