SEPTEMBER 18, 2024

TEXT : Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I he upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression_” ( Psalm 19:13 )

In our recent discussion, we examined the perilous nature of presumptuous sins and the severe consequences they bring upon those who engage in such behaviors. We discovered that transgressing against God through presumptuous actions can lead to serious repercussions and even divine judgment. It is vital to understand the gravity of presumptuous sins and take steps to avoid falling into their snare, for the costs of doing so are steep indeed.Scripture reveals that presumptuousness is a characteristic of the “old man,” or the unregenerate nature of humanity, and thus it is essential to identify the traits associated with this lifestyle to avoid its dangers. Among the key traits of those who indulge in presumptuous behaviors are:

1. Judgmentalism: They tend to be overly critical of others, frequently passing hasty, unfair judgments without considering the full context of a situation. They are quick to point out the flaws of others, yet fail to acknowledge their own imperfections

2. Self-aggrandizement: They exalt their own opinions above those of others, seeking to impose their will and have their way, often to the detriment of those around them.

3. Fault-finding: They relish in finding and pointing out the shortcomings of others while ignoring their own imperfections, often resorting to criticism and negative comments to put themselves on a pedestal.

4. Imposter Syndrome: They present a false image of themselves to the world, hastily projecting themselves as flawless, perfect, and capable, even when the truth may be far different.

5. Pride and Haste: They act with undue haste, often jumping to conclusions without proper consideration, and are prone to arrogance, believing their judgments and actions to be beyond reproach.

6. Insensitivity: They are insensitive to the feelings and perspectives of others, often showing little respect or empathy, and may be aggressive towards those who they perceive to be inferior or in the wrong.

7. Selective Morality: They impose stringent moral standards on others while justifying their own lower standards, allowing themselves to indulge in behaviors they would condemn in others.

8. Biblical Malpractice: They twist and misinterpret scripture to suit their own motives and desires, claiming divine authority for their own views without proper consideration for the true meaning of the Bible.

9. Authoritarian Tendencies: They covet authority and dominance, frequently seeking to assert themselves over others and demanding submission from those around them, while displaying a lack of humility and a disdain for the opinions and desires of others.

10. Hubris: They believe themselves to be superior to others, exalting themselves over those they perceive as inferior and expecting others to acknowledge their superiority.

11. Gossip and Slander: They indulge in idle gossip, rumor-mongering, and character assassination, spreading false and damaging information about others to elevate their own status or inflict harm.

12. In all, we can see that they are governed by the self. They are self-opinionated, self-conceited, self-righteous, self-confident, and self-centered.As we critically examine the characteristics associated with presumptuousness, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on your own behavior: *Where do i stand?* *Am i guilty of presumptuous sins?* If so, it’s imperative to take steps to address this issue and break free from its grasp, such as:

1. Repentance: Seeking forgiveness and confessing your transgressions.

2. Self-Check : Taking a moment to consider the potential consequences of your actions and words.

3. Self-Examination: Regularly reflecting on your actions and attitudes to identify areas for improvement.

4. Attention to Detail : Mindfully considering the small details in your interactions with others, striving to be considerate and respectful.

5. Golden Rule : Treating others as you would wish to be treated, practicing empathy and compassion.

6. Love and Humility: Fostering a genuine love for others and cultivating humility in your heart.

7. Prayer : Seeking divine guidance and strength through prayer, asking for grace and wisdom to overcome this sin.It is time now to cry out to God like the Psalmist in our text: ” Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I he upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. “

SEARCHLIGHT : The cure for a presumptuous lifestyle is to let go of self-importance, cultivate humility, and live in obedience and submission to the Lord, thus avoiding the ruinous consequences of prideful living.

PRAYER: Almighty God, keep me grounded in Your Word and grace, lest my pride become a stumbling block leading to self-destruction. Amen.


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