TEXT : But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness , and despise government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities (2 peter 2:10)

Today’s discourse on presumptuous sin is rarely addressed and many are they who walk therein. According to Merriam – Webster dictionary, presumptuous means to be overly confident, especially in a way that’s rude or not right. But in the Hebrew language of the Old Testament, presumptuousness is characterized by arrogance, rebellion, recklessness and intentional disobedience. This means that someone who is presumptuous knows what they’re doing. They know the laws, they know what will happen if they break them, but still choose to do it. This is rebellion against God and an intentional act of sin.

Presumptuousness is a grave sin that dares to challenge God’s authority, belittle His expectations and disregard His commandments. As our text highlights, those who live in such defiance are self-willed and unafraid to speak ill of dignified figures. This heinous and perilous lifestyle often leads to transgressions against God, inciting His wrath and incurring devastating consequences.

The Scriptures present sobering illustrations of individuals, such as King Saul, who partook in presumptuous acts and faced the dire consequences of their actions. In 1 Samuel 13, the king unapologetically seized the power of the priests, performing unlawful burnt offerings to God, all while attempting to justify his actions. Though he was king, he had no authority to disregard God’s laws. The laws were clear and binding on everyone, even the king. However, his pride and willful disobedience led him to exalt himself above the boundaries of his divine calling, ultimately paying a heavy price for his actions.

Another harrowing instance of presumptuousness and its destructive consequences is found in the story of Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron and priests of God. Despite their privileged position and intimate knowledge of God’s specific instructions for sacrifices, they chose to ignore these mandates and instead offered a “strange fire” to the Lord. Their self-willed defiance of divine command was met with immediate and decisive punishment, as fire from God struck them down on the spot, bearing testimony to the severe price of defying the Almighty.

Yet another poignant example of presumptuousness and its repercussions can be observed in the account of Michal, King David’s wife, whose judgmental attitude toward her husband’s actions incurred God’s chastisement. As the ark of God arrived in the City of David, the overjoyed king displayed his gratitude through leaping and dancing before the Lord, a display that incited Michal’s disdain.Believing her husband’s behavior to be undignified and beneath his royal status, Michal admonished him upon his return, rebuking him for his supposed vulgarity: ” How glorious was the king of Israel today, who uncovered himself before the eyes of the maids of his servants, as one of the base fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!” (2 Samuel 6:20). King David, content to justify his actions, was nonetheless spared the consequences of Michal’s unwarranted criticism; however, the Lord took note of her haughty words and punished her accordingly. The text states, *”Therefore Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her death ” (2 Samuel 6:23), marking the tragic end to her presumptuous tale.

How about Job’s friends who, in their self-righteousness, made the grave mistake of presuming to know the mind of God? Rather than offering solace and support to their distressed friend, they took it upon themselves to act as God’s mouthpiece, condemning Job for some secret sin they believed was the cause of his suffering. In doing so, they misconstrued biblical truths and exacerbated Job’s already fragile state. Their presumption and condemnation served only to break Job’s heart further, ultimately earning a divine rebuke from God : The LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled against thee, and against thy two friends: for ye have not spoken of [me] the thing that is right, as [My] servant Job hath” ( Job 42:7).

Through these sobering biblical examples, we learn the vital lesson that making presumptuous judgments without proper consideration and discernment is unscriptural, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5:21. We must approach God’s business with reverence and diligence, adhering to His divine instructions. Deviating from this path and acting in presumption can incur the wrath of divine justice, as seen in these cautionary tales. Let us take heed, remembering that God is aware of the motives behind our actions and words, holding us accountable for everything we say and do.Tomorrow, we will delve deeper into this subject, exploring how we can identify and overcome the temptation of presumptuousness.

SEARCHLIGHT : Presumptuous sins incite God’s wrath and incur devastating consequences.

PRAYER : Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you with a humble heart, acknowledging the dangers of presumptuous sin. Help me to recognize the signs of arrogance, rebellion, and intentional disobedience in my life. Give me the wisdom to discern your divine instructions and the courage to obey them.


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