OCTOBER 4, 2024

TEXT: “So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because ye were dear unto us.” – 1 Thessalonians 2:8

According to the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, relationship simply entails “a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings.” Relationship is a very key component of evangelism. This is because, when we, as believers, strive to develop cordial relationships with those around us, it creates a fertile ground for the spread of the gospel.

It is very common among certain Christian groups to treat perceived non-Christians with disdain, believing they don’t need to mingle with them as they are “dirty/stinking sinners.” However, it is crucial to recognize that if we are to win certain individuals to our kingdom fold, we must be intentional about creating proper relationships with them. You cannot treat a neighbour or friend with obvious disdain and expect to simply walk into their space to preach the gospel to them. It simply won’t work.

Elements of Gospel-Targeted Relationships:

  1. Active Listening: Believers are encouraged to show genuine interest in the plight of the unsaved around them. This does not suggest that you should totally flow or share in their sinful ways. However, there’s a way one can actively show genuine interest in their plight without compromising one’s values. (Matthew 22:37-40, Acts 2:46-47)
  2. Common Ground and Interest: For instance, if your unsaved neighbour is an ardent lover of football and you are also one, you can utilize this shared interest to build a connection. Spend time analyzing football together, while tactfully sharing gospel principles.
  3. Time and Effort: Recognize that soul-saving requires great meticulousness and patience. As a matter of fact, you are not the “savior” but merely a tool at the disposal of the “Savior” (Jesus Christ). Therefore, the amount of time and effort you invest in this cause significantly impacts your reward from the actual “Savior.”

Importance of Relationship in Evangelism:

  1. It helps build trust and credibility, as people are more likely to listen to those they trust.
  2. It enables you to understand the actual spiritual needs/problems of the other party, allowing you to address those needs effectively.
  3. It creates emotional harmony or connection between the believer and the unsaved individual.

SEARCHLIGHT: Remember, evangelism is about proclaiming God Almighty, not your holiness or church. Be willing to face challenges and build relationships to share the gospel effectively.

PRAYER: Grant me wisdom from above to do Your work effectively and win souls, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 30-32, Matthew 7


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