NOVEMBER 6, 2024

TEXT: Because for the work of Christ he was near unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.

To begin with, who is an unsung hero? An unsung hero simply refers to an individual who puts in all their possible efforts to ensure the success of a given task or assignment but mostly doesn’t receive the deserved credit or applause.

The name “Epaphroditus” is not among the popular and relatable names in the scriptures. However, it is noteworthy to point out that this man played a significant role in the scriptures, especially concerning Paul’s missionary journey. He may not have enjoyed the same prominence as Timothy, Luke, Aquila, Apollos, Silas, and others in Paul’s missionary journeys, but his significance in the church cannot be underestimated.

A comprehensive reading of the preceding five verses in our given text reveals various positive attitudes about this interesting biblical character, some of which include:

  • He was a man so committed to Christ that he would risk his life for the gospel’s sake. He was, at a point, sick almost to the point of death, yet he continued to render active services to Paul and company.
  • He was a faithful messenger who never tampered with whatever package he was instructed to give to Paul while the latter was in prison (Philippians 2:25).
  • He was always on the ground working tirelessly for the gospel’s sake and was even tagged a “fellow worker” by Apostle Paul (Philippians 2:25).
  • He never sought publicity, fame, or recognition for his “behind-the-scenes” labor of love.

The above, among many others, are some noticeable attributes in Epaphroditus’ life. It is quite important to note that unsung heroes, while not always in the limelight, are necessary in God’s house as they ensure the “hidden aspects” of the church are effectively taken care of.

It is not necessary to become an apostle, prophet, or evangelist for the fire of usefulness to burn ceaselessly in one’s life. Sometimes, one should forget about the limelight and focus on making impacts in God’s house and society.

Epaphroditus was so lost in God’s service that he forgot about his personal life and almost died from sickness and stress. What unquantifiable love for God!

SEARCHLIGHT: Service to God should take center stage in our lives rather than seeking our glorification. We must learn to put God first and watch Him bless and honor us in return.

PRAYERS: O God, give me the grace to be selfless in my service to You, in Jesus’ mighty name.

BIBLE READING: Hosea 1-3, Mark 6


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