OCTOBER 13, 2024

TEXT: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

To trust in the LORD means to wholly believe in God without wavering or compromising. The author of this book encourages us to trust in the LORD with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. Leaning on our understanding here implies that one believes they have all the answers and are self-sufficient without needing divine help.

We must understand that we cannot always possess the means to navigate our way through difficult circumstances. This also implies that we must trust God even when we are unsure of the outcome of such trust. For instance, Abraham (formerly Abram) was asked to leave the land of Haran, which was his comfort zone at that point in time. However, even with no idea of where he was going, he still followed suit (Genesis 12).

Trusting God Wholeheartedly

Trusting God with your whole heart means you are totally dependent on Him, with no alternative but to simply trust God fully. The second part of verse 5 encourages us not to lean on our own understanding. That is, regardless of your academic or professional qualifications, you must approach spiritual matters with humility, recognizing your knowledge as insignificant.

Acknowledging God’s Guidance

Verse 6 of our text also admonishes us to acknowledge Him in all our ways, resulting in Him directing our paths. You cannot gain direction from a Father whose fatherhood you refuse to acknowledge. When you acknowledge God in all (not just a few or some) issues, you will receive the appropriate guidance.

Tomorrow, we shall delve deeper into this topic, God willing.

SEARCHLIGHT: When you claim to trust God but have an alternative elsewhere, it is no longer trust. Trust is a wholehearted commitment to God and His desires.

PRAYERS: My Father, help me to put my trust in You at all times, in Jesus’ name.

BIBLE READING: Lamentations 5-7, Matthew 14


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