TEXT : ” Now these are the nations which the LORD left, to prove Israel by them,… And they were to prove Israel by them, to know whether they would hearken unto the commandments of the LORD…”( Judges 3:1,4 )

The children of Israel were destined to inherit the land of promise, a land of abundance and prosperity, flowing with milk and honey, as ordained by the Lord. However, due to their persistent tendency to compromise and revert to their old ways, the Lord withheld His hand from completely expelling the nations that occupied the land, leaving Israel to coexist with the remnants of those nations. In an effort to discern the Israelites’ faithfulness to Him, God chose to leave certain nations in the land, using them as a means to “test” whether the Israelites would follow the path of the Lord, as their forefathers had done. Regrettably, the Israelites were unable to pass this divine test, revealing their shortcomings in their loyalty and devotion to God.Turning away from the divine law, the Israelites succumbed to the temptation of intermarriage with the heathen peoples, disobeying the commandment of God and drawing His righteous wrath. In His anger, the Lord delivered them into the hands of Chushan-rishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, as a punishment for their infidelity. Thus, the Israelites reaped the consequences of their unfaithfulness, suffering under the oppression of their enemies.In our lives, the people that God permits to remain in our presence or cross our paths may not always be accidental, but rather, carefully orchestrated by the Lord to test our faith and grow godly virtues within us. We often find ourselves lamenting over the existence of these individuals, praying fervently for their removal or for relief from their impact, forgetting that they might serve a divine purpose.

Similarly, we frequently deceive ourselves by believing that we are strong in our faith, that we would never betray the Lord even in the face of adversity, only to discover that like Peter, we too can fail when tested.Remaining true to ourselves and to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we must remember that life is a school, a place where we are continually faced with tests of faith, patience, and perseverance. Though it may seem daunting, we do not have to fail these tests time and again if we remain steadfast in our trust in the Lord and maintain a constant vigilance in prayer, as exemplified by biblical figures like Abraham, Job, Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. If we follow in their footsteps, we can emerge victorious from life’s challenges and ascend to new heights in our spiritual journey with God.Trials and tribulations, though often difficult, are the divine instruments that fortify the faithful soldiers of Christ, sharpening our spiritual swords and preparing us for battle. With Christ, the ultimate victor, by our side, we can become more than conquerors and reign supreme in our daily lives. Those who keep their eyes fixed on Jesus, trusting in the strength He provides, will find themselves marching forward in triumph, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, overcoming all that stands in their way.

SEARCHLIGHT: God’s tests are not meant to break you, but to build you up and launch you into a future of unparalleled greatness.

PRAYER : Lord, guide me with Your grace and wisdom through every trial, that I may remain steadfast in my faith and be transformed into the person You have destined me to be. Amen.


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